Thursday, February 5, 2009

Apartment complex near the Tulsa Hills shopping center

Because the Tulsa Hills shopping center has been covered an inordinate amount of time within the city limits, we have chosen to focus more on the controversial apartment complex being constructed just west of the center.
We know that there is currently a petition with about 100 people who want to prevent the construction of this complex.
We plan to first contact Rick Westcott, a city councilman involved with this development. We are hoping that he can give us unbiased information from both sides of the dispute. However, if he backs one particular side, we want to get his opinion on the apartment complex and then get contact information from him for other council members or community members who may have differing opinions.
We would also like to talk to the developer or contractor for the complex and get their reactions to the petition. We want to find out why they think the complex is a necessary addition to West Tulsa and how they think it will benefit the area.We want to write a piece that explores both sides of the issue and contains reliable information and interesting quotations from several community members and officials.

- Stephanie, Ryan, and Kate

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